BSA TROOP 222 in Westtown, PA

COVID-19 has changed our plans and preparations. Troop 222 is currently holding both online meetings and in-person meetings and events. The Troop leadership and committee are evaluating plans on a month-by-month basis so that we can react to changes in the current situation and pivot as needed so we can continue to Scout safely.
A Scout is Obedient
Troop 222 is following the advice and requirements of the State Department of Health, Boy Scouts of America, Chester County Council, and our Chartered Organization, Advent Lutheran Church.
In person meetings will be held outside in the Advent Lutheran Church parking lot.
All Scouts, leaders and parents will have their temperature taken when they arrive before leaving their vehicle. Anyone who has a temperature higher than 100.3 will not be able to exit their vehicle to participate and will be asked to leave the premises. Anyone in the vehicle with someone who has a temperature reading over 100.3 will also need to leave immediately.
All Scouts, leaders and parents will be required to wear masks or face coverings at all times except when eating or sleeping.
Social distancing of 6’ between Scouts, leaders and parents is required to the highest extent possible.
Hand sanitizer will be supplied by the Troop and available for use by all present.
Anyone who is not feeling well, even if not running a high temp/fever should stay home.
Sleeping Arrangements on trips: Tents will be restricted to one Scout or adult leader per tent. No sharing of tents is allowed.
Carpooling is discouraged. Each family will transport their Scout to events.